Passion And Why You Should Find Yours

Nipuni Prasadani
6 min readDec 28, 2018

Hey Socials, welcome back to my this week’s blog post. Today I’m going to talk about one of the most important topics. As the tittle says it all; passion. Find your passion, follow your passion you may have heard people say these things in social media. Yes we are living in a era passion has become a buzz world. But the real problem is to get to know what is really passion is and how to find it. I feel like we need more discussions on that matter. So I decided to dedicate this week’s post for that.

What is passion?

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.

It’s the truth that more happiness comes when you do the things you are more passionate about. In simple words passion means what you love to do the most or the thing you want to be the most.

How to find your passion?

You may haven’t found your passion yet. Trust me it is there, waiting till you to discover. Once you found it, your passion will be your live driven force. But how? how to find the passion.


In our lives we were forced to do many things. Including the specific streams that we followed in our school. May be the degree program that you follow is not what you like. Have you ever found a scenario where no one has to force you to do, but you do it anyways? In my case it’s writing. No one ever had to ask me to write a blog post. You may have something like that in your life too. Then there is a higher chance of it’s being your passion. If you are having hard time of thinking about such a thing I may suggest you to answer following three questions honestly.

  1. What subject could I read 500 books about without getting bored?
  2. What could I do for five years straight without getting paid?
  3. What would I spend my time doing if I had complete financial abundance to do anything?

Well if you could answer above mentioned questions you may have found your passion by now already. It’s not hard like rocket science, just think of that thing which makes you happier. It doesn’t have to be a thing that you can make money out of. Most of the time our passion won’t be able to help us with our work. There are should be something in your life you always wanted to do. You always dream of doing. As an example you might be dreaming about to be a YouTuber. It’s not always being a doctor or an engineer.


Are you a more of a visual person? Then this is the best way for you. Create your own visual board. Truth be spoken, all of you are big fans of Instergram, Pinterest. You may have followed those motivational pages, motivational quotes. You may have found those sort of thing which give you the motive. Get print out of those type of motivational posts, that you love and paste it in a board and hang it somewhere in your room. Pick a place which you can see it always. Whatever the things that inspire you, get a printout and post it, in your visual board. And all those posts will connect dots to your passion.


May be yourself hasn’t found your passion in the things you are already doing. So it’s time to come out from your comfort zone and try new things. Do the things you are most scared of doing. Try a new sport, draw something, learn that language, start coding a new pet project. To take the first step you may have to force yourself. If you found your passion on that it’s totally worth it. May be you are more passionate in the things you are afraid to do. You can get help from others to do new things. Remember you owe this to yourself. So do whatever you have to do to find your passion. Once you found it nothing can stop you.


There are so many passionate people out there. I highly suggest you to talk to them. The inspiration you get from talking to those type of people is priceless. I’m telling you from my experience, I have talked to people who has found their passion and it was the great motive of my life. Rather than gossiping, it’s time to have a real conversation with the real people. You may wonder about what you are about to found out from them. Surround yourself with passionate people, find out how they found their passion.


You are never too late to find out your passion. Doesn’t matter you are in late 30s, you still have time. You may worried that you have done your degree in another stream and you have a passion in another stream and you found out it lately. Doesn’t matter. Your passion will be the force of your life, you will do anything to embrace it. Time won’t be a matter. It has the power of making things right. So despite of your age, keep finding your passion.

May be your work is not your passion. May be you can’t find money out of you passion but you should still follow that. You can do whatever work you do for living, but you should follow your passion in leisure time and why I am telling that?


Isn’t our life is too short to do the things we don’t like? We all are having a delicate life. Once in awhile we should do what we love the most even of we can’t make living out of that. But if you think you can make living out of your passion. As an example, do you like drawing? Why don’t you try to be a UX/UI engineer, with your degree in IT stream? Where you can use your creativity the most. Think and think hard once you found your passion you will find a way to make living out of that.


Well, your life needs a purpose. Without no obligations, that’s what everyone should agreed to. The motive passion gives to your life, gives the purpose to live. Person with a purpose is unstoppable which will leads you to a success life. Well, none of us will say NO to a successful life. Passion will helps you to contribute something bigger that you couldn’t have ever imagined. Isn’t that the greatest thing that could have ever happened to you?


What is more important than being happy? I have met people who are really happy with less mental issues, almost all of them are following their passion. Happy person adds more values to the society.


I have personally experienced that if I’m doing something that I don’t like, I tend to give up more. But when I do the things I love it’s totally the opposite. It’s easy to give up when we pursuing goals which aren’t meaningful to us. But when you start working on something you are passionate about, whole universe, starts to help you, you will never give up. Everyday you will wake up thinking how can I push me forward.


Our character says a lot about us. Once you start go after what you truly love to do in your life, you will find yourself. You will understand more about you and the surrounding. That level of understanding you are reaching by doing what you are more passionate about will eventually helps you to build up a character. Nothing is better than listening to people say “That girl/boy has the best personal brand ever” about you.

Doesn’t matter how many times I repeat all those wow factors about following your passion, you won’t really feel it until you really start on doing what you are more passionate about. If you are reading this line, it’s time to follow your passion now. Find, follow and win the world. I hope this article would motivate you to follow your passion. Feel free to comment down below your thoughts and if you have any suggestions for next blog post. Live the life you love.



Nipuni Prasadani

Business Analyst | Former Software Engineer | Graduated from SLIIT | Tech Blogger | Life Hack Blogger