How to be happy all the time

Nipuni Prasadani
7 min readJul 20, 2019

Hey socials, welcome back to my blog. I hope you guys enjoyed my previous blog post about having me time. So today I’m gonna dedicate this post about how to be the happiest person in the room. Without further ado, let’s move into the blog post.

I don’t really consider me as a person who is always happy. I do have times where I feel sad, down and depressed but I certainly do try to be happy all the time. I am recognized as a bubbly person, a merry person, a cheerful girl among my friends as well as in my workplace. So I sorta have a reputation to carry on because when I’m sad it is so noticeable. Instead of hiding the feelings and putting the fake happy face on, I always try to be happy for real. I personally believe that being happy is a choice. You always can choose happiness over everything. But I must say, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Sometimes when things get harder, being happy seems impossible. That’s why you should start being happy little by little. There’s absolutely no reason to not to be happy about yourself. In this post, I’m gonna talk about a few tips which may help you to be the happiest person in the room. My goal is to turn being happy into everyone’s bread and butter.

1.Stay away from drama

First thing first. STAY AWAY FROM UNNECESSARY DRAMA. Well, there is no necessary drama either. Just keep yourself away from any kind of drama. It’s really easy to get caught up with the drama, it’s way easier than eating chocolates. You may hear people talk about other people like ‘She slept with this guy’, ‘Why is he dating her, she is not even cute’ don’t involve in these types of conversations. I know it is hard but always try not to encourage these types of conversations.

2.Compliment others

This is one of my strong suits. I always always compliment others. And it comes out from my mouth genuinely. ‘Hey, you look pretty today’, ‘This outfit looks so good on you’, ‘OMG your hair, so perfect’ these simple words can make someone’s day brighter. I love to compliment others. I feel so happy by doing that and that person feels great about themselves too. I personally believe what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves. As an example, if I said ‘That girl is so fake’ which reflects that I’m fake not that person. The more you feel insecure, the more you try to talk trash about others. More you feel happy about yourself more you tend to compliment others.

3.Be positive

Being positive is so hard and not everyone’s favorite Disney movie. Even I’m not positive all the time. But here’s a secret, we can always try to be positive. Whatever happens in your life, always remember that it happens for a good reason. Life is full of troubles and it’s not just only for you, Priyanka Chopra, Beyonce, Rihana all those celebrities all those famous people, they all suffer from problems but one thing they don’t do is stop doing what they do better. They learn from the problems that they face, they tend to see the positive effect of each problem that they meet in their lives. That’s the reason behind their succession and happiness.

4.Don’t compare yourself with others

Don’t ever compare yourself with others. No one plays your role better than you do. I know most of you all are on Instagram and you see others’ lives in your feed and there can be times you may worry thinking, ‘OMG her life is so perfect but mine sucks’, ‘He travels a lot and I hardly get to travel’, ‘She always goes to fancy restaurants’ STOP WORRYING START WORKING. Instead of comparing yourself with others, start working on the better version of yours. The more you compare yourself with others more you get sad. If there are any accounts on Instagram or Facebook that make you feel sad, UNFOLLOW them now. Make sure you are busy working on yourself than comparing it with others’ lifestyles.

5.Have a visual board of things which makes you happy

Isn’t that little puppy makes you happy? Well take a picture of him and add to your photo collage. Which collage? you may ask. Make a collage out of the things which make you so happy. You can use photos of the things you want to have in your life or the people who inspire you the most or things that make you happy just by looking at it. Make that collage which you can use as your vision board. You can look at this daily. It makes you happy as well as it motivates you to work hard and get the things you want the most.

6.Find your passion and do what you love

Nothing but doing what you love makes you the happiest. Recently one of my co-workers and I were talking and I asked him, ‘You may have lots of works these days since you do two roles’ And his reply was ‘Yes but I love my job’. I was so happy to hear that. That was the first time, someone told such a thing to me. That’s what I want to hear from everyone. I do love my job, because of that Monday mornings are not that hard for me. You should always do what you love. Find your passion, (I have previously published a post on finding passion, you can refer to that for more details on how to find your passion) and make money out of it. Trust me when I say, you will enjoy every single bit of your life. If you are currently not doing the things you love, try to find a little thing to be happy about in your work life while you are seeking a new career.

7.Make good friends

Making friends is not everyone’s cup of tea. But you can always try to make friends. You don’t have to have tons of friends, you just need a few good friends. You know why? friends are always there to make you happy. When I feel down, I talk to my closed friends about those. Trust me it helps a lot. They avoid you from doing something which you will regret later. But why have only good friends? It’s natural that your behaviors, somewhat depend on how the people around you behave. If your friends are gloomy and negative, you tend to be the same. If your friends are fun and positive, you tend to be the same. There are few people among us who don’t get manipulated easily, but the majority of us not like that. So choose your friends wisely. They can be a reason for your happiness. (Next time when you see your good friends, give them a hug and tell them how blessed you are to have them in your life.)

8.Be healthy

Being happy all the time will be impossible if you are sick all the time. So make sure to take care of yourself. Eat healthy, stay fit and be extra careful when you do things.

9.Don’t hold grudges

Holding grudges don’t do any good to you. I personally don’t hold grudges and I tend to forgive people so easily. It makes me feel so free and so happy. I wouldn’t hesitate to help out a person who did wrong to me. That way it makes me so happy. You can always forgive but if you think that you are better off without them, then forgive them and remove them from your social media. Always remember that forgiveness is something you do for yourself, not for others.

10.Have your beauty sleep

Waking up early is important, working late is important, working hard is important so do the sleeping well. If you couldn’t have your beauty sleep then you feel grumpy in the next day morning which eventually leads to having a not so happy day. Always make sure you get your sleep but oversleep doesn’t do any good either. The right amount of sleep will always keep you happy and merry.

11.Stop dragging the sadness

Are you sad about something today? Then make sure you are not sad for the same reason tomorrow. Always make sure you are happy before you are going to sleep. You don’t want to wake up to the same sadness on the next day. I always try to make myself happy before I sleep because I believe that I deserve that.

Being happy is not always realistic because as human beings, we have a broad range of emotions for every life occurrence. But the important thing is how you process through your emotions. Always remember that being happy is the key to success. If you are reading this right now, I must say you are so blessed and deserve to be the happiest person alive. This brings us to the end of this blog post and I hope you liked it if so please applaud my post. Hoping to see you soon in a blog post like this till then live the life you love.



Nipuni Prasadani

Business Analyst | Former Software Engineer | Graduated from SLIIT | Tech Blogger | Life Hack Blogger